What range could your causal effect lie between if the instrumental variable assumptions held?
Find out with our bpbounds R package and Shiny app!
1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University
2 Leibniz BIPS, Bremen, Germany
3 Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester
There is some joint distribution of the unobserved confounders and the observed variables that yields a true ACE as small as the lower bound, while another choice produces an ACE as large as the upper bounds (the bounds are tight).
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mt3 <- c(.83, .05, .11, .01,
.88, .06, .05, .01,
.72, .05, .20, .03)
p3 <- array(mt3, dim = c(2, 2, 3),
dimnames = list(x = c(0, 1),
y = c(0, 1),
z = c(0, 1, 2)))
bpres3 <- bpbounds(as.table(p3))
## Data: trivariate
## Instrument categories: 3
## Instrumental inequality: TRUE
## Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound
## ACE -0.09 0.74000
## P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.06 0.12000
## P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.03 0.80000
## CRR 0.25 13.33333
## Monotonicity inequality: FALSE
What range could your causal effect lie between if the instrumental variable assumptions held?
Find out with our bpbounds R package and Shiny app!