mrrobust -- commands for two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses.
mr Primary command syntax, i.e. use mr egger ... syntax instead of mregger ...
mrdeps Install dependencies for the package
mregger MR-Egger and inverse-variance weighted (IVW) estimators
mreggersimex Simulation extrapolation algorithm for the MR-Egger model
mreggerplot Scatter plot showing instrument specific estimates with IVW, MR-Egger, or median fitted line and confidence interval
mrmedian Unweighted, weighted, and penalized weighted median estimators for summary level data
mrmedianobs Unweighted, weighted, and penalized weighted median estimators for individual level data
mrmodal Modal estimator for summary level data
mrmodalplot Plot of density used in the modal estimator
mrratio Ratio (Wald) estimator for summary level data for a single genotype
mrivests Generate ratio (Wald) estimates for summary level data in dataset
mrforest Forest plot of genotype specific and model (IVW, MR-Egger, Median, Modal) IV estimates
mrfunnel Funnel plot of the genotype specific IV estimates
mrmvivw Multivariable inverse variance weighted estimator (also mvivw and mvmr)
mrmvegger Multivariable MR-Egger regression
mrleaveoneout Leave one out analysis
mrrobust is a suite of programs implementing recently developed estimators which are robust to certain proportions of invalid instrumental variables.
Most of the commands are designed to use summary level data as provided by repositories such as MR-Base.
The estimators were developed in the context of MR studies but could be used for other applications of instrumental variables.
There is a website showing the examples from the helpfiles here: https://remlapmot.github.io/mrrobust/
INCLUDE help mrrobust-author