mrmvegger -- Multivariable MR-Egger regression (MVMR-Egger)
mrmvegger varname_gd varname_gp1 [varname_gp2 ...] [aweight] [if] [in] [, options]
options Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- orient(#) orient the data wrt to the phenotype which corresponds with the #th genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) association variable in the varlist (default is 1) level(#) set confidence level; default is level(95) tdist use t-distribution for Wald test and CI limits
mrmvegger performs multivariable MR-Egger regression. For further information see Rees et al. (2017).
By default multiplicative random effect standard errors are reported. However, if the residual variance is found to be less than 1 the model is refitted with this constrained to 1.
varname_gd variable containing the genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) association estimates.
varname_gp# variable containing the #th genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) association estimates.
For the analytic weights you need to specify the inverse of the genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) standard errors squared, i.e. aw=1/(gdse^2).
orient(#) specifies which phenotype to orient the data to. The default is 1, i.e. the phenotype in the first genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) variable in the varlist.
level(#); see [R] estimation options.
tdist specifies using the t-distribution, instead of the normal distribution, for calculating the Wald test and the confidence interval limits.
Using the data provided by Do et al. (2013).
Setup . use https://raw.github.com/remlapmot/mrrobust/master/dodata, clear
Select observations (p-value with LDL-C < 10^-8) . gen byte sel1 = (ldlcp2 < 1e-8)
MVMR-Egger regression . mrmvegger chdbeta ldlcbeta hdlcbeta tgbeta [aw=1/(chdse^2)] if sel1==1
Orient wrt HDL-C instead of LDL-C . mrmvegger chdbeta ldlcbeta hdlcbeta tgbeta [aw=1/(chdse^2)] if sel1==1, orient(2)
Orient wrt triglycerides instead of LDL-C . mrmvegger chdbeta ldlcbeta hdlcbeta tgbeta [aw=1/(chdse^2)] if sel1==1, orient(3)
Stored results
mrmvegger stores the following in e():
Scalars e(df_r) residual degrees of freedom (with tdist option) e(N) Number of genotypes e(Np) Number of phenotypes e(phi) Scale parameter (root mean squared error)
Macros e(cmd) Command name e(cmdline) Command issued e(orientvar) Genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) association variable the model is oriented wrt
Matrices e(b) coefficient vector e(V) variance-covariance matrix of the estimates
mrmvegger stores the following in r():
Matrices r(table) Coefficient table with rownames: b, se, z, pvalue, ll, ul, df, crit, eform
Do et al., 2013. Common variants associated with plasma triglycerides and risk for coronary artery disease. Nature Genetics. 45, 1345-1352. DOI
Rees J, Wood A, Burgess S. Extending the MR-Egger method for multivariable Mendelian randomization to correct for both measured and unmeasured pleiotropy. Statistics in Medicine, 2017, 36, 29, 4705-4718. DOI
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