
mrivests -- Generate genotype specific instrumental variable ratio (Wald) estimates in a dataset


mrivests varname_gd varname_gdse varname_gp [varname_gpse varname_cov] [if] [in] [, options]

options Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate(varlist, replace) Variables to contain IV estimates and SEs or CI limits * options passed to mrratio


mrivests calls mrratio to put the instrumental variable ratio (Wald) estimate and its standard error in the variables specified.

varname_gd is a variable containing genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) association estimates.

varname_gdse is a variable containing the standard errors of the genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) association estimates.

varname_gp is a variable containing genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) association estimates.

varname_gpse is a variable containing the standard errors of the genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) association estimates.

varname_cov is a variable containing the covariance between the genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) and the genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) estimates.


generate(varlist, replace) specifies the variables (2 or 3) to contain the IV estimates and their standard errors or confidence interval limits. Specifying replace replaces the values in these variables if they already exist in the dataset.

* options passed through to mrratio, e.g. nome.


Using the data provided by Do et al. (2013) generate genotype specific estimates for the LDL-c phenotype.

Setup . use https://raw.github.com/remlapmot/mrrobust/master/dodata, clear

Select observations (p-value with exposure < 10^-8) . gen byte sel1 = (ldlcp2 < 1e-8)

Generate IV estimates in dataset . mrivests chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta ldlcse if sel1==1, generate(ivest ivse)

Generate IV estimates with SEs assuming NOME . mrivests chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta if sel1==1, generate(ivest ivse, replace) nome

Generate IV estimates with CI limits using Fieller's Theorem . drop ivest . mrivests chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta ldlcse if sel1==1, generate(ivest ivcilow ivciupp) fieller


Do et al., 2013. Common variants associated with plasma triglycerides and risk for coronary artery disease. Nature Genetics. 45, 1345-1352. DOI


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