
mrforest -- Forest plot for MR-Egger type models


mrforest varname_gd varname_gdse varname_gp varname_gpse [varname_cov] [if] [in] [, options]

options Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- astext(#) Percentage of plot taken up by areas for text - some trial and error may be required effect(string) Label for statistics column; default is Estimate ivid(varname) Variable to label genotypes, usually containing RSIDs ividlabel(string) Label for genotypes; default is Genotypes ivwlabel(string) Label for IVW model; default is IVW gsort(string) how to sort the estimates, if specified must be one of; ascending, descending, or unsorted; default is ascending level(#) set confidence level; default is level(95) mreggerlabel(string) Label for MR-Egger model; default is MR-Egger mrmedianlabel(string) Label for median model; default is Median mrmodallabel(string) Label for modal model; default is Modal models(#) number of models to show (1 IVW, 2 & MR-Egger, 3 & Median, 4 & Modal); default is 2 modelslabel(string) Label for models; default is Summary modelsonly Only show model estimates on plot nonote Suppress note reporting I^2_GX nostats Suppress the statistics column textsize(#) Scaling factor for text on plot. I have tried to use sensible numbers here but some trial and error may be required zcis Use normal distribution CI limits (for IVW and MR-Egger)

Options passed to other commands: ivwopts(string) options for IVW estimate from mregger, ivw fe mreggeropts(string) options for MR-Egger estimate from mregger mrivestopts(string) options for mrivests used to generate genotype specific ratio estimates and SEs mrmedianopts(string) options for median estimate from mrmedian mrmodal(string) options for modal estimate from mrmodal nofe Remove fe option (fixed effect SE) from the IVW fit

* Other options passed to the metan


mrforest plots a forest plot for MR-Egger type models. It is really a wrapper program for a call to metan (Harris et al., 2008), which must be installed.

If you do not already have metan, it can be installed by running: ssc install metan.

varname_gd is a variable containing the genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) association estimates.

varname_gdse is a variable containing the genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) association estimate standard errors.

varname_gp is a variable containing the genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) association estimates.

varname_gpse is a variable containing the genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) association estimate standard errors.

varname_cov is a variable containing the covariances between the genotype-disease (SNP-outcome) and genotype-phenotype (SNP-exposure) associations.


Using the data provided by Do et al. (2013) recreate Bowden et al. (2016) Figure 4, LDL-c "All genetic variants" (plot in row 2, column 1).

Setup . use https://raw.github.com/remlapmot/mrrobust/master/dodata, clear

Select observations (p-value with exposure < 10^-8) . gen byte sel1 = (ldlcp2 < 1e-8)

Forest plot of genotype specific IV estimates and IVW and MR-Egger estimates, labelling the genotypes with their RSID. . mrforest chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta ldlcse if sel1==1, ivid(rsid)

Having seen the first plot we can now define nicer x-axis labels. . mrforest chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta ldlcse if sel1==1, ivid(rsid) xlabel(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5)

Removing the column of estimates from the plot, and sorting in descending order of the IV estimates. . mrforest chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta ldlcse if sel1==1, ivid(rsid) nostats gsort(descending)

Showing all 4 models and modifying some labels. . mrforest chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta ldlcse if sel1==1, ivid(rsid) models(4) modelslabel(All genotypes)

If you have data which require more than 2 decimal places, use metan's undocumented dp option, e.g. for 4 decimal places specify dp(4) . gen chdbeta2 = chdbeta / 100 . gen chdse2 = chdse / 100 . mrforest chdbeta chdse ldlcbeta ldlcse if sel1==1, ivid(rsid) dp(4)


Bowden J, Davey Smith G, Haycock PC, Burgess S. Consistent estimation in Mendelian randomization with some invalid instruments using a weighted median estimator. Genetic Epidemiology, 2016, 40, 4, 304-314. DOI

Do et al. Common variants associated with plasma triglycerides and risk for coronary artery disease. Nature Genetics, 2013, 45, 1345-1352. DOI

Harris RJ, Bradburn MJ, Deeks JJ, Harbord RM, Altman DG, Sterne JAC. metan: fixed- and random-effects meta-analysis. Stata Journal, 2008, 8, 1, 3-28. Link


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